
I am Warlen

Software Engineer

About us

Let me introduce myself

My name is Warlen Pinheiro, I have a degree in Computer Science and in systems analysis and development with a postgraduate degree in full stack web development.

I am passionate about the world of programming and always try to be updated, with new technologies, techniques and standards developed by the community.

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Software Engineer
Nov/20 - Present

Gerencianet is a wonderful company, where I've been learning better to build and maintain systems with a total focus on quality, usability, scalability and performance. Here I've been learning a lot about software architecture, an area that has always fascinated me. The development language is Node.js, used with a focus on clean architecture, clean code and SOLID.

Analyst Developer
Empresta - Bem melhor
Jul/20 - Dec/20

At Empresta I was able to have a great growth in maturity, where I worked better my analysis skills and focus on software quality. As the main development stack, we use Laravel and Vue.js.

Junior Systems Programmer
Masterix Sistemas
Oct/19 - Jul/20

Together with the new members, it brought the culture of agile development to the company, with the adoption of the scrum methodology. I developed highly complex projects using technologies like Laravel, Angular and Ionic. He also brought up the culture of API documentation using swagger. And I inserted the TDD methodology in the team. I also worked with AWS in creating and maintaining EC2 instances, configuring and using S3, in addition to configuring CPanel. I also used Jenkins for the system deployment process, in addition to the docker and kubernetes for containers control.

Junior PHP Programmer
Cajuína Software
Feb/19 - Aug/19

Cajuína Software had great importance in my development as a programmer. It was where I learned the importance of software testing in product quality and maintenance. I also learned to give more importance to details and to develop focusing on the user experience. I used PHP and Slim in the development of systems, in addition to a framework of the company itself. I entered the world of AWS with Amazon S3 and I also learned about Heroku. I also used React Native to create Apps and Pagar.me for payment control when we developed an eccomerce.

Project Advisor
Visão Jr
Jun/18 - Apr/19

Visão is a junior system development company in the computing course at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. There I started my Web development career, where I also learned about project management, systems analysis and contact with customers. I programmed websites and systems using PHP, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
